West Ender Strainer Boards

East Ender Strainer Boards

Wireman Strainer Boards


Problems with wedge clamp strainer boards

It has been our experience that most contractors share the same issues - Very few are satisfied with wedge clamp boards as they often slip or break prefabricated netting wire, such as hinged lock, STIFF STAY or X fence. You knock one wedge in and the others bounce out or they wear from repeated hammering. These problems are only made worse if poor quality wire is provided. 

Wireman boards only put as much force on the wire as you put into tensioning it, and unlike wedge clamps, you can work from just one side of the fence. So one half of a strainer board getting sandwiched between the wire and an end assembly stay is nev a problem.

There is also virtually no bending of the wire which results in a less tension being lost when you release the grippers. And you don't need different boards to do different mesh heights. So you get more done, in less time with less gear.

West Ender Strainer Boards

The West Ender strainer board design is a result of several years of making individual wire strainer boards and listening to the feedback from fencing contractors, who are looking for reliable tools that get the job done fast.

The great benefit to the contractor of the West Ender System is the ability to change gripper positioning fast to suit different line wire spacings. They are quick to use because you don't need tools to put them on the wire or assemble and adjust them. So no time is wasted looking for hammers or wedges lost in the grass.

Made from 4mm thick 40mm square hollow section, they are tough as nails and quick to set up. West Enders use a pull pin system for assembly and adjustment. You can turn a one metre high strainer board into a two metre board for in seconds. And with a 2 Metre kit you can do everything from gut straining 8 line to pulling up 16 line exclusion, without needing another board.

East Ender Strainer Boards

Provide all the benefits of individual wire gripping capability on an easy to use versatile setup. They are perfect if you are always using the same type of wire on your own property. 

Manufactured from High Tensile steel, multiple boards are simply bolted together to create boards up to 2 Metres in height. 

A big focus on time saving

Few fencing contractors have room on the back of the truck for tools that are not in regular use, and they know full well going back to a job or having to get spare parts for a tool when your miles from town is a complete waste of time and money.


At Wireman and we do all we can to produce the best tools available, because most of the money in a fence is time. Our products may have a higher price point than other products on the market, but when that results in a user saving an hour a day in time, Wireman strainer boards pay for themselves very quickly.

Fence Faster, Earn more with Wireman tools.

Tim Thompson East Ender review

Fence Faster, Earn More

Strainer boards are a big focus for Wireman and we do all we can to produce the best tools available.

Unlike wedge clamp boards Wireman strainer boards only put as much force on the wire as you put in to tensioning it. There is virtually no bending of the wire so you loose less tension when you release the board and you can work from just one side of the fence.

Our products have a higher price point than other products on the market, however when that results in a contractor saving an hour a day in time, Wireman strainer boards pay for themselves very quickly.

Strainer Board Kits

Strainer Board Components